Category: Uncategorised

All Northumberland Line stations now approved 

The final new station for the Northumberland Line rail scheme has been given the go-ahead. Planners have given the green light for construction of a new station at Newsham in Blyth – meaning all six new stations now granted approval for the project. SLC Property is supporting Northumberland County Council by submitting and managing the planning applications […]

Northumberland Line station gets the green light

The latest new station for the Northumberland Line rail scheme has been given the go-ahead.  Planners have given the green light for construction of a new station at Bebside – the fifth of six new stations now granted approval for the project. SLC Property is supporting Northumberland County Council by submitting and managing the planning […]

Planning permission granted for two new stations

The opening of the Northumberland Line is a step closer following the approval of planning permission for two new railway stations at Bedlington and Seaton Delaval on 2 November. SLC Property is supporting Northumberland County Council by submitting and managing the planning applications and associated property aspects needed for the new line. Rob Smart, Managing […]

Second Northumberland Line station approved

Northumberland Park is the second new station for the Northumberland Line that has been given the go-ahead after it received planning permission. SLC Property is supporting Northumberland County Council by submitting and managing the planning applications and associated property aspects. North Tyneside Council granted planning permission for the station at Northumberland Park – which will be built alongside the […]

First new station for the Northumberland Line receives planning approval

The first of six new stations being created for the reopened Northumberland Line was granted planning permission on 7 September by Northumberland County Council’s Strategic Planning Committee SLC Property is supporting Northumberland County Council by submitting and managing the planning applications and associated property aspects. Rob Smart, Manging Director of SLC Property said; “The planning […]

Planning permission secured for Perry Barr bus interchange

SLC Property has helped secure planning permission to build a bus interchange in the West Midlands, which is part of a transport interchange project being led by Transport for West Midlands (TfWM), West Midlands Rail Executive (WMRE) and Birmingham City Council. Located in front of the neighbouring One Stop Shopping Centre, the redevelopment of the […]

First planning application for Northumberland Line approved

The first of a number of planning applications needed to deliver the reopening of the Northumberland Line for passenger traffic was approved last week. The application proposed the construction of a new footbridge to replace an existing level crossing at Chase Meadows, Blyth. The reopening of the Northumberland Line delivers 18 miles of upgraded track, six […]

SLC Property wins first framework place from Midlands Connect

SLC Property has been awarded a place on Midlands Connect’s specialist technical framework to carry out environmental assessment advisory services. This is the first framework place for the land and property specialists in their own right and is a clear indication of how they have built a positive reputation for successfully helping clients with their […]